Roatan Night Dives

Roatan Night Dive

Roatan Night Diving

Much of the marine life is nocturnal, and Night Dives offer scuba divers an opportunity to observe the reef and the marine life around it when creatures are the most active, the most alive. Scuba Diving is a thrilling experience, and this is especially true during a night dive. 

Night Diving is mysterious. There is something about it that awakens the explore within and draws us closer to nature found just below the surface.

Most often, a night dive begins just after sunset, while there is still natural light in the sky. Night falls during the dive, and it is almost unnoticeable because our eye acclimates to the surrounding environment. It isn't long before all we've got to illuminate our path is the light we brought alone. 


Because of an active nocturnal marine life, night dives are exciting and offer several opportunities to spot a wider variety of creatures. What's more, is that some of the most strange creatures (who burrow during the day) come out and feed on the coral reef after dark. Giant crabs, lobsters, and octopus are all far more active at night than they are during the day. 

A night dive may change the way you think of marine life. 

Ironically, the reef appears more colorful at night than it does during the day; this is primarily because night dives require flashlights, which introduce red light into the scene. During the day, red light coming from the sun is lost because of the density in water molecules.